
Weather stationweather next 7 days
Weather stationweather next 7 days

weather stationweather next 7 days

The wind arrow tip points in the direction the wind is blowing and the tail length indicates wind strength.

weather stationweather next 7 days

It forecasts the strength of the wind (in knots and km/h) at 10m for the top of each hour, in hourly, then 3 hourly and finally 6 hourly intervals up to 7 days. The wind is direct model output from Numerical Weather Prediction models but is a guideline only. This service is based on data and products of the European Centre for Medium-range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF) It forecasts how much rain will fall (in mm) hourly during the previous hour (accumulations), then in 3 hourly and finally 6 hourly accumulations up to 7 days. Rain refers to precipitation, which can be rain, sleet or snow. The rainfall forecast is direct model output from Numerical Weather Prediction models but is a guideline only. Met Éireann forecasters manually produce the weather icons for midday and midnight to reflect the predicted major weather type for these times. Images are a combination of Met Éireann and Met Office radar in Dublin, Shannon,īelfast and Wales, when available. They are artefacts (false echoes) of rainfall radar systems and should be

weather stationweather next 7 days

Dublin), Bright Bands and spokes may also be They are red but change to orange and then yellow after a period, then disappear. Lightning strikes, when they occur, are displayed as a cross. Latest Rainfall Radar showing live precipitation and the last 90 minutes precipitation over Peer-reviewed journal articles by Met Éireann staff members Past Weather Agrometeorological Bulletins

Weather stationweather next 7 days